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Learn to move beyond the pain of loss.


Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss — whether that loss was caused by a death, the end of a relationship, loss of employment, moving house, changing school, or another significant life event/s that invoke this strong and overwhelming emotion. 

The Grief Recovery Method is an action plan; a series of small steps that lead to the completion of the unresolved communication that is linked to the loss.

If you are struggling to move beyond the pain of grief or loss you will find the solutions through our services. 

The death of a loved one can leave us devastated. We’re no longer able to concentrate, are consumed by pain, and contrary to popular belief, find that things actually feel worse over time, not better.  

The Grief Recovery Method teaches you the correct actions so you don’t have to hopelessly wait in pain. 

Certified Grief Recovery Specialists offer individual or group support for those who have suffered the death of a loved one or experienced significant emotional loss. ​


Grief is a challenging and painful experience that cannot be resolved through rational arguments. Society often encourages us to approach it intellectually, but it's crucial to recognize and manage our emotions instead of trying to rationalize them. Although statements like "don't be upset" may be accurate, they do not address the emotional distress caused by loss. It's essential to allow ourselves and others the time and space to grieve and cope with our emotions in a healthy manner.

Grief is not a psychological disorder.

Grief is a natural part of life, but it can overwhelming and cause a range of symptoms such as insomnia, physical pain, and difficulty concentrating. It's important to remember that grief is not a psychological condition, but rather a normal response to loss. While talking to others who have experienced loss provides some comfort, it's also important to learn healthy coping mechanisms to manage the pain.

Most of what we’ve been told about grief isn’t true. 

Over the years of working with many thousands of grievers we’ve realised that the six myths associated with loss first identified by John James in The Grief Recovery Handbook are almost wholly universal. 

  • If you’re going to cry, go to your room… 

  • Don’t feel bad, they wouldn’t have wanted you to be sad… 

  • Are you going to get a new dog? 

  • You need to be strong for the kids… 

  • You need to find a new hobby to get your mind off it… 

  • Just give it time… 


How many times have we received well-meaning comments like these in response to our grief? 

The intentions are good, but they don’t help us feel better.

Don’t keep living in pain –  Start feeling better now.  

Losing a loved one is painful, but it's possible to relieve the emotional burden and cherish memories without pain.

The Grief Recovery Method is the only program of its kind that has been proven effective at helping grievers with their feelings of grief. 

Working with a Grief Recovery Specialist in person, individually or in a group, you will have a safe space to talk freely about your loss without the fear of judgment or analysis. 

This unique, structured programme is completed in 7 sessions and will teach you the correct actions so you no longer have to wait for your grief to get better on its own.

Contact me now to commence the Grief Recovery Method Program.

Get Your Free Ebook

Grief Recovery Method- Guide To Loss

Updated August 2024 by Whispering Sands

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